Contact Jer/:

* For your first flight experience, a discovery flight! 
* For primary and advanced instruction in: Airplanes, Seaplanes, Taildraggers, Gliders, Light Sport, Drones and Avionics.
* For initial and advanced MOUNTAIN training, backcountry and canyon flying.
* For instrument, commercial and CFI training.
* For FAA flight reviews (FR) and instrument proficiency checks (IPC).
* For FAA Wings programs and FAA Wings flight training currency and proficiency.
* For flying fun and adventures! Including: Oshkosh, Sun-n-Fun, Lake Powell Houseboating, Skiing, Hot Springs,!
* Local scenic flights with one or more people.

Mountain Flying Aviation, LTD
c/o Jer/ Eberhard,
  Chief Flight Instructor
902 Teal Drive
Ft Collins, CO  80521

Email:                       jer 'at'
CELL/VoiceMail/Scheduling:   970 231-6325 CELL/VM Jer/ Eberhard
HOME: EMERGENCY ONLY:        970 FourEightTwo-2760 EMERGENCY/HOME Jer/ Eberhard

Mountain and high altitude training, backcountry and tail wheel a specialty!

Mountain Flying Aviation, LTD
Airplanes, Seaplanes, Taildraggers and Gliders
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, North America, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, in space.

Maintainer: Jer/ Eberhard < jer 'at' >

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