Flight Training and Mountain Flying Agreement and Liability Waiver
Mountain Flying Aviation, LTD
Jer/ Eberhard, CFII, FAA Aviation Safety Counselor, FAASTeam representative.
CFI Rate: flight and ground instruction: $85/contact hour, 10hr prepay discount.
Flight training full days: 10% discount with 3 or more consecutive days.
Pilot(s) in training will purchase all meals out, cover all expenses
while flying and enroute including motel/transportation if "Remain
Over Night" (RON), and weather/equipment recovery costs. CPA discount.
PIC: The pilot in training is Pilot In Command (PIC) of all flights
and continuations thereof, where FAA capable. Jer/ is not PIC during those
times flying and is there only to recommend mountain and flying techniques,
not critique or improve your other flying skills or practices. I do insist
on safety and the FERVENT use of written checklists in all flight regimes.
Mountain Flying: study material is a custom version of:
* Mountain Flying, by Sparky Imeson, get revision 2 locally, ~$35.
* Other handouts and web material. Colorado Pilot's Assn Ground School.
Flights may include landings and takeoffs at many high mountain airports,
including Aspen ASE, Glenwood Springs GWS, Leadville LXV and Telluride
TEX. Choose your routes and your days of training. Routes include:
"north, middle, south, west, dirt, front range". We'll add other airports
and routes per your needs, requests, equipment and capabilities.
You will need to "home-study" written materials and ask questions about
the things that need further clarification or more information. I may
assign some tasks for you to practice at your local airport, in your
airplane, before you come to Colorado. When you get here, the days are
spent flying in the mountains, approximately 8-10 contact hours/day.
A C-182, C172XP(180hp), Cherokee 180 is really the minimum
aircraft for mountain work. That said, I have flown all over the
Colorado Rockys in my Cessna-140: 1) alone, 2) with half tanks,
3) I am a glider pilot, so I know lift, sink, rotor and wave, 4)
I chose my day for excellent weather/wind. Lacking any of those,
a C-172 or Cherokee-140 or less "may not be enough airplane",
for the full training experience and may limit our choice of
useful load, routes, airports, or even entering the mountains.
We are very concerned with winds and high density altitude, because that is
what determines safety, sufficient runway length, and how to fly the terrain.
For instance, please now commit to memory (mountains or plains):
For takeoff, the pilot's "75/50 rule" is: "If you have not achieved 75% of
your takeoff speed by 50% of the runway, you do not have enough runway to
takeoff: shut it down NOW, because you DO have sufficient runway to stop"!
I understand that flying is extremely dangerous and may result in death
or serious injury. I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME all risks, known and unknown, to
objects, persons, injuries, personal or financial or of wrongful death,
Mr.Eberhard and Mountain Flying Aviation, LTD from any and all risks
and liability in connection with our time and training together.
All above articles agreed upon before flight by:
X______________________________________________________ Date: ___________
EMAIL ______________________________________ PHONE ______________________
Jer/ Eberhard
< jer 'at' jerslash.net >
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