20 Creepiest Things You Can Whisper In Someone Else's Ear When Giving Them A Hug 1. Long sniff - Mmmmm... you smell different when you are awake. 2. "Please help me" then smile as if nothing happened. 3. "Soon". 4. If its a girl you're hugging, and you're a guy. "I can feel them pressing against my chest. I think those are the only thing I miss about being a woman. 5. A good friend of mine (we are both males) enjoy creating awkward situations by hugging in public when we see each other. We don't do the manly, back pound hug, instead we do the arms up and under each other's armpits hugs. We slowly rub each other's back and say, loud enough for everyone to hear: "So nice. So nice. So safe. So nice." and then we separate with a big sigh. It can silence a room. 6. You have lovely skin, I can't wait to try it on. 7. "The slow blade penetrates the shield...". 8. "Your hair tastes like strawberries". 9. "Tonight... you". 10. "Wait... don't let go just yet". 11. "He knows, don't go home". 12. "I always knew you would die in my arms". 13. "That'll do pig". 14. Every time I poop, I think of you. 15. "No one will ever believe you". 16. "Yesssssssssssss". 17. 'I bet you didn't feel me lick your ear'. 18. "I killed Mufasa". 19. There are only four layers, or less, of cloth separating us from ecstasy. 20. "Mother told me it would be like this".